Friday, January 18, 2013

I am so much more than SORRY,,,,,,, for the losses in "ALL" the child shootings ...... It truly breaks my heart that "anyone" could take a young life with such little regard and "parents you do " have more RIGHT than anyone to CRY OUT "FOUL... but, please consider... this country was built on the RIGHT TO PROTECT what is yours, your owns and anyone in distress needing protection. THERE are soooooo few places, (and I mean county, states, provinces) left in this COUNTRY with those clauses in the constitutions which keep a person from going to prison for preserving life and property losses !!!! If America wants to protect the innocent, like Air Marshals in the sky(PLEASE !!!!) post "trained Armed Professionals" in any possible place any deranged moron might head to after he has "ILLEGALLY" acquired a firearm.!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would never defend a morons right to do stupid, but, how can you overtly consider disarming any and all "AMERICANS" who would "BEAR ARMS" to protect his children, family, neighbor, neighbors children, livelihood, property and or way of life. Obama failed on the $1 a gallon promise 5 years ago and he is looking for every and any  bleeding heart over these catastrophes to support any damned thing he can make "his" mark as a president,,, PLEASE AMERICA, do not let it be "OUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS" and for the love of GOD and COUNTRY do not let this man, his administration, his influences, the BLEEDING HEARTS of any damned BIBLE belt community hinder or forebear a WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE. That commercial with the Roe v Wade woman I watched on television made the little man in my head SCREAM,"what the HELL is wrong with you" (sure, let's take women back to the 1920's with alley way coat hanger abortions where 2 out of 3 women dies & what the heck lets go back to no blacks on the buses  or letting them drink from "white" water fountains . In fact, if this country wants to back peddle that much, let's, segregate the schools. But whoops, we have de-segregated Washington, WHY ARE WE GOING BACK-WARDS?????????????????????????????????????? STOP screwing Americans for governmental "no-sight"(Protect our damned kids without taking our rights). Obama, you told the Chinese "screw you" when they asked for their money.....Who do you think is going to drive them back from taking what is theirs when they come to get it???,,,AMERICANS with rocks and sticks or AMERICANS with SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS??!!!!!!!!!! Please do answer that ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not an AGENDA, preserve and protect the AMERICAN way of life.. PLEASE... any and all who read this and support my point of view---do not respond to me... Instead--Contact your local Governors, Senators, Congressmen, (hell, wanna have fun) start sending your views to the US Legislature, US Senate and the White House: YOU PEOPLE VOTE , let them know what you really think.